Frequently Asked Questions

What Methods Are Allowed For Promoting 'The Machine'?
There are 3 allowed methods of promotion. These have given great results for both us and for our affiliates: 1. By copying and using the exact posts provided by 'The Machine', which the company has determined are approved. Affiliate links may be provided to interested parties via direct messages (DMs), but not in the post itself. 2. By sharing content from Dustin Nalley or Christopher Sean Thompson's social media profiles in an unedited format. Affiliate links may be provided to interested parties via direct messages (DMs), but not in the post itself. 3. By submitting your own content for approval through our Content Approval Form (provided upon signup). Due to Facebook's strict requirements that we must comply with for this program to continue to operate, no other methods of promotion are allowed without written approval. This is to protect 'The Machine', it's affiliates, and Sean Thompson's personal assets which are at risk by allowing this affiliate promotion.
How Much Do I Get Paid?
$100 per course sale at $597, and $200 per DFY page growth at $2,000. We do not pay commissions on 1-1 coaching. Commission structures are subject to change, check the affiliate agreement terms and conditions for more information.
What Methods Can I Get Paid With?
We send out commission payments via Paypal. If Paypal is not an option in your region, other payment methods can be considered on a case by case basis.
Can I Collect Email Addresses of My Referrals?
No - privacy protection laws, as well as Facebook's terms of service prohibit this practice as referrals are opting into communications with 'The Machine' only upon signup. We have created pre-approved marketing materials and strategies that convert successfully, but building your own websites or creating your own marketing materials to promote 'The Machine' are strictly prohibited without written approval. Facebook has very strict restrictions on what we can and cannot do. To protect this program, as well as Sean Thompson's personal assets we also cannot allow many typical 'affiliate marketing' practices.
When Are Payments Sent?
Commissions are paid on a NET 15 basis. For example, a payment received on June 7th will result in a payout initiated on July 15th (the 15th of the next month). The payment may arrive in the Affiliate’s bank account after the 15th if additional processing time is required by the payment processor.